The Message Behind Procrastination

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Do you get self-critical when you procrastinate? Think you are being lazy or do not have enough discipline? Before you beat yourself up for the lack of your motivation, consider that procrastination could be a source of valuable information.

Approach procrastination with curiosity with the following questions:

What is holding me back? You could be hesitating for a valid reason.

Do I have all the information I need to move forward? You may still have some unanswered questions.

Does this action align with my core values? Sometimes we are reluctant to take action because that action does not match with what we consider is most important.

Does this action move me toward the vision I have for myself? Explore whether the action is taking up time you would rather be spending elsewhere.

Am I experiencing burnout? Sometimes our enthusiasm wanes when we need recharge and self-care.

Are my expectations realistic? Sometimes we hold back from taking action because we want it to be perfect or we think we will not be good enough.

Am I feeling overwhelmed? Large tasks can feel too big—breaking down large items into small manageable tasks makes it easier to get started.


Before setting goals for 2023, consider what you need to set yourself up for success. Consider what has held you back in the past. View previous failures as information.



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