Focus For Fall
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Focus For Fall

Routines can go by the wayside in the summer as we enjoy the longer days, outdoor activities, travel, special events, and adventures. Settling back into school, sport, and work can be a challenge....

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Parenting an Elite Athlete
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Parenting an Elite Athlete

As I am sure many of the parents of the Paris Olympic athletes would agree, the stresses felt by parents of elite level athletes can be equal to or even higher than the athletes themselves at times. Wanting the best for your child….

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How to Use Sport Psychology in Other Areas of Your Life
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

How to Use Sport Psychology in Other Areas of Your Life

Sport psychology is all about learning how to influence and manage the factors that affect your performance. These skills can be used to achieve personal growth and unlock your potential in many other areas of your life…

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Keys to a Consistent Golf Game
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Keys to a Consistent Golf Game

Golf season is in full swing and you are likely wondering what you need to do in order to play more consistently from hole to hole. I often hear “I was having my best round until one hole blew up my game.” One of the key factors to playing with a calm confidence…

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Signs You Need Support After a Crisis
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Signs You Need Support After a Crisis

Being involved in a crisis or traumatic event, even if things turned out okay in the end, can have a significant impact on your nervous system. Individuals experiencing the same event (either directly of indirectly) can have very different responses depending on past experiences, their role within the current situation, and many other factors…

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Keys to Fitness and Performance Testing Success
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Keys to Fitness and Performance Testing Success

Requirements for many first responders, and other physically demanding careers, include an assessment of fitness level and performance tasks—usually within a set time limit. Needing to pass a test in order to get or keep your job adds another level of stress. You may find you are struggling to perform at your best under these conditions. Learning how to regulate your nervous system can be a key factor in successful testing….

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Things I wish I knew when I was 16
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Things I wish I knew when I was 16

Every week in my practice, I am amazed by the speed at which youth can soak up knowledge and implement tools that significantly impact their self worth, confidence, and ability to perform at their potential. I find myself thinking that I wish I knew these things at their age…

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What is Performance Psychology?
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

What is Performance Psychology?

You do not have to be in a crisis to benefit from working with a psychologist. In fact, being proactive can help prevent some challenges in the first place. If you are looking to reach your potential in sport/work/school/life, performance psychology…..

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Redirect Your Self-Critic
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Redirect Your Self-Critic

We often have much higher expectations for ourselves than we do for anyone else. We say things to ourselves that we would never think would be acceptable to say to those we care about or even those we do not like very much. Our self-critic is quick to jump on our mistakes…

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The Power of Laughter
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

The Power of Laughter

Earlier this year, I was hanging out with a friend from college who was visiting for a few days. After a huge belly laugh, I realized that I had not laughed like that in quite a while…

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The Challenges of Success
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

The Challenges of Success

You have been working hard for months or even years and just achieved a big goal—now what? While a lot of focus has been put on how to cope with failure, success comes with its own set of challenges….

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Face Your Fears
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Face Your Fears

Fear of spiders, snakes, heights, flying, needles, crowds, germs, small spaces, and many other things are common. Phobias affect 5% of children, 16% of adolescents, and many of these fears continue into adulthood….

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Breaking the Stigma of Counselling
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Breaking the Stigma of Counselling

I have noticed a theme lately of people saying they wish they came to counselling sooner, and they wonder why there is a stigma about seeking counselling services. While Sigmund Freud and images of people lying on couches are often associated with therapy, counselling psychology goes way beyond what you see in movies or TV shows….

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Why is Authentic Communication so Scary?
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Why is Authentic Communication so Scary?

Revealing our true self is the ultimate level of vulnerability. It can feel scary and even unsafe to ask for what we need and want. Have you found yourself holding back during communication at work, with friends, or even intimate relationships? Increasing your awareness…

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Practice How You Play
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Practice How You Play

Are you experiencing game day struggles? Do you feel a wave of anxiety when you put on your uniform or competition gear? Do you excel at practice and crumble when it counts? Take a look at your routines for opportunities to refine your competition preparation in the following ways…..

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The Message Behind Procrastination
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

The Message Behind Procrastination

Do you get self-critical when you procrastinate? Think you are being lazy or do not have enough discipline? Before you beat yourself up for the lack of your motivation, consider that procrastination could be a source of valuable information…

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The Upside of Anxiety
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

The Upside of Anxiety

Anxiety has gotten a bad rap. The feelings we get in our body when nerves start to creep in actually serves a vital purpose and there are many reasons to celebrate when they show up. Early signs of anxiety help our body prepare for activities and are necessary in order to perform at our best. An increase in our heart rate and respirations …

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Understanding the Complexity of Grief
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Understanding the Complexity of Grief

There is not a handbook for grief. While grief is universal across the globe, it is a highly complex experience that is different for everyone. Often grief is thought of as something to get over and having a sense of closure. Looking at grief as more of a continuum and something that influences us as we move forward in life is more accurate……

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Chronic Pain: It is Not in Your Head
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Chronic Pain: It is Not in Your Head

Just because x-rays, MRIs, blood work, bone scans, and countless other tests you may have had do not show the cause of your pain does not mean it is all in your head. Your pain is real. Treatment for pain that occurs without an obvious physical injury or pain that still exists long after tests show a body part is “healed” is largely lacking within our current healthcare system…..

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Parenting a Child Athlete
Tonia Anderson Tonia Anderson

Parenting a Child Athlete

As a parent, supporting a child athlete can be a challenge and you may feel like you are always saying the wrong thing. You may feel like you are contributing to your child’s performance anxiety, even though…

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