Understanding the Complexity of Grief
There is not a handbook for grief. While grief is universal across the globe, it is a highly complex experience that is different for everyone. Often grief is thought of as something to get over and having a sense of closure. Looking at grief as more of a continuum and something that influences us as we move forward in life is more accurate……
Chronic Pain: It is Not in Your Head
Just because x-rays, MRIs, blood work, bone scans, and countless other tests you may have had do not show the cause of your pain does not mean it is all in your head. Your pain is real. Treatment for pain that occurs without an obvious physical injury or pain that still exists long after tests show a body part is “healed” is largely lacking within our current healthcare system…..
Parenting a Child Athlete
As a parent, supporting a child athlete can be a challenge and you may feel like you are always saying the wrong thing. You may feel like you are contributing to your child’s performance anxiety, even though…
Overcoming Test Anxiety
Learn how to overcome the burden of test anxiety and perform your best.
Living Well With Chronic Conditions
Learn how to thrive and not just survive while living with a chronic health condition.